10 New Knitting Patterns

Part of our fabulous job here at The Blue Box, is to inspire customers with new Knitting Patterns. We all love new patterns!

We find a gap in the market and design items that suit the yarn we want to knit in.

Here are some New Knitting Patterns we have made lately. All details in links below photo’s:

Pattern: Blair’s Uni Rug PDF Pattern

Kit: Blair’s Uni Rug Kit

Pattern: Luxurious Wrap PDF Pattern

Kit: Luxurious Wrap Kit

Pattern: Alpaca Superlight Knitted Wrap PDF Pattern

Kit: Alpaca Superlight Knitted Wrap Kit

Pattern: Sierra Chunky Cropped Cardi PDF Pattern

Kit: Sierra Chunky Cropped Cardi X-Small & Small Kit

Sierra Chunky Cropped Cardi Medium & Large Kit

Pattern: Chunky Cropped Vest PDF Pattern

Kit: Chunky Cropped Vest Kit

Pattern: All In One Jacket PDF Pattern

Kit: All In One Jacket Kit

Pattern: Soft Wallis Rug PDF Pattern

Kit: Soft Wallis Rug 14ply Kit

Pattern: Chunky Cropped Cardi PDF Pattern

Kit: Chunky Cropped Cardi Kit XS to Med

Chunky Cropped Cardi Kit Size Large

Pattern: Little Sierra Rug PDF Pattern

Kit: Little Sierra Rug Kit

Pattern: So Soft Alpaca Wrap PDF Pattern

Kit: So Soft Alpaca Wrap Kit

Hopefully this inspires you to knit something today!!

Happy Knitting 🙂

Summer Breeze Crochet Rug

This new Crochet Pattern is a beauty.

Gorgeous New Pattern (PDF) and Kit is available.

We have realized that our customers love a simple Crochet pattern that they can sit in front of TV and do mindlessly. And on the other hand, they love a little challenge. Hence, why we designed Summer Breeze Crochet Rug.

This pattern may look complicated for the Crochet beginner, but there are mainly Double Crochet and Treble Stitches throughout, so if you can work those stitches, you’ll have no trouble.

Back in March this year (2020), our website was hacked and we lost our lovely online store.

We are using Facebook Messenger, Email and Phone Calls to service our customers at the moment and we are working on a new style of website.

Edit: New website is now available to view, click here to check it out.

Summer Breeze Crochet Rug
Size: 120cm x 155cm
Summer Breeze Crochet Rug Size: 120cm x 155cm
Here’s a close-up picture to show you the stitches and border.

Enjoy your weekend!

♥ The Blue Box Girls

Ring of Rosies Table Centre

Free Crochet Pattern

Our love for Crochet is growing each day. And Crochet really has blossomed. There are so many beautiful designs to do & yarns to use. We’re looking forward to trying out some new designs and creating more patterns soon.

Today we have the honour of sharing our FREE PATTERN with you. It is a quick project. With UK Stitch Terms. A gorgeous table centre, perfect to make as a gift for a friend or display piece for your home. It is 23cm wide and would look great with a vase of flowers displayed in the middle.
Ring of Rosies 3-002


~ Supplies Needed for Ring of Rosies Table Centre ~

Patons Cotton Blend 8ply (95m);

2 Balls of Fresh Green (24).

1 Ball each of Yellow (6), Cloud (34), Coral (26).

4.00mm Crochet Hook.

Yarn Needle for sewing in ends.



ch – chain                     col – colour                  cont – continue            dc – double crochet

rep – repeat                 RS – right side              sp(s) – spaces              ss – slip stitch

st(s) – stitch(es)           tr – treble                    WS – wrong side         yoh – yarn over hook


Special Stitches;

2trCL (2 treble cluster) – (yoh, insert hook in st, yoh, pull yarn through, yoh, pull through first 2 loops on hook) twice in same st, yoh, pull through all 3 loops on hook.

3trCL (3 treble cluster) – (yoh, insert hook in st, yoh, pull yarn though, yoh, pull through first 2 loops on hook) 3 times in the same st, yoh pull through all 4 loops on hook.

Dec (decrease) – Start a dc but do not finish it (keep on hook) then do the same again in the next st, then yoh and draw through the 3 sts on the hook all at once (1 st decreased).

Crab St – Do not turn work. With right side facing, insert the hook in the next st to the right, draw loop through, yoh, and draw through both loops on the hook. Repeat right round the rug for a very smart finish.

Magic Circle – Make a loop around your forefinger with tail end of yarn on the right and ball on the left. Insert hook in loop and wrap the yarn coming from the ball around the hook. Pull yarn through so you have 1 loop on the hook. Yoh and pull through the loop on the hook to make 1 ch to begin the round. Work as many dcs or whatever st you are using, into the circle (over both strands) as required by the pattern. Pull the ends of yarn tight to draw up the circle, so that you have no hole left in the middle.

Let’s Start;

Make 6 hexagons with petals, and 1 plain one, working the ends in as you go if possible. Sew in remaining ends of all blocks.

Using Col 1 (yellow), make a magic circle, 1 ch, 6 dc in circle, break off col 1, join in Col 2 (blue) with a ss in first dc.

Ring of Rosies Step 1-002

With RS facing, continue in rounds.

Round 1   3ch, 1tr in same place as last ss (counts as first 2trCL), 2ch, *2trCL in next st, 2ch; rep from * to end, join with a ss in first tr (6 clusters). Fasten off col 2.

Ring of Rosies Step 2-002

Round 2   Join Col 3 with a ss in any 2ch sp, *3ch, [3trCL, 4 ch, 1ss] in same sp (1 petal made), 1dc in top of next 2trCL, 1ss in next 2ch sp; rep from * working last ss in same sp as first petal (6 petals). Fasten off Col 3.

Ring of Rosies Step 3-002

Round 3   (make ch spaces): Join Col 4 (green) with a ss in top of any dc between petals, 1 ch, 1 dc in same place as ss, * keeping petal at front of work, 2ch, 1dc in next dc (between next 2 petals), 2ch, 1dc in next dc; rep from * to end, join with a ss in first dc (6 ch sps). Do not fasten off, cont with Col 4, (green).

Ring of Rosies Step 4-002

Round 4    1ss in first 2ch sp, 3ch (counts as a tr), [1tr, 1ch, 2tr] in same sp (1st hexagon corner), *[2tr, 1ch, 2tr] in next 2ch sp (2nd hexagon corner); rep from * 4 times more, (6 hexagon corners) join with a ss in top of first 3 ch. Do not fasten off Col 4.

Ring of Rosies Step 5-002

Round 5   Ss to the next corner 1ch sp, 3ch (counts as 1 tr), [1tr, 1ch, 2tr] in same sp (corner), 2tr in next sp between corners, * [2tr, 1ch, 2tr] in 1ch corner sp, 2tr in next sp between corners; rep from * to end, join with a ss in top of first 3 ch.  Fasten off.

Ring of Rosies Step 6-002


Now the Centre Hexagon (Green) Make 1

Make a magic circle, 1ch, 6dc into ring, ss into 1st dc.

Round 2

3ch (counts as 1 tr), 1 tr (counts as 1st 2trCL) in the same sp as the ss, 3ch, * 2trCL in the next st, 3ch; repeat from * to end, join with a ss in 3rd ch of 1st tr. (6trCLs)

Round 3

Using ss, crochet the blocks tog with the plain block in the centre.

Work a row of Crab St around the outside making 2 sts in each corner.

Round 3

Ss into next 3 ch sp, 3ch (counts as 1 tr),1tr, 1ch, 2tr, in same sp,(1st hexagon corner ) * 2tr, 1ch, 2 tr, in next  3ch sp; repeat from *4 times more, (6 hexagon corners), ss  into 3ch of beginning of this row.

Round 4

Ss to the next corner 1ch sp, 3 ch (counts as 1tr), [1tr,1ch,2tr] in same sp(corner), 2tr in next sp between corners, * [2tr,1ch,2tr] in 1ch corner sp, 2tr in next sp between corners; rep from * to end, join with a ss in top of 3rd ch.

Ring of Rosies Step 7-002

Using ss, right sides tog, crochet the blocks tog with the plain block in the centre.

Work a row of dc around the outside edge working 2dc in each outer (not inner) corner.

Work a row of crab st around the outside.

Ring of Rosies 2-001

Enjoy making this gorgeous piece.

♥ The Blue Box Girls

Rainbow Crochet Rug

Fun to Make Colourful Crochet Rug to decorate your Home.

Deanne fell in love with Crochet only 2 years ago.

Having tried it years before, a couple of times, the craft didn’t “stick” with her then. She didn’t get the concept of the stitches and the craft hadn’t been overly “trendy” back then.

When she discovered the wonderful world of Pinterest, that all changed.  If you have been on Pinterest and looked up Crochet, you know what we mean.  If you haven’t, we urge you to check it out.

The Rainbow Crochet Rug we are about to show you, is Deanne’s 2nd ever Crochet Rug.  With bright colours as her lead and a lovely Crochet square design in mind, Deanne wanted to make a very vibrant and eye-catching rug.

The initial idea was to make a scrappy colour, like this one;


When she asked her 10 year old daughter, Keira, what colour combination she would like to see, she came up with this; (clever girl!)


Wow!!  We were completely blown away.

So to confirm our decision, we took the question to Social Media and the results were overwhelming. Post is here on Instagram & Facebook.

A pattern had to be made.  And kits.  And we are so happy to make these available for you.

We can supply an Acrylic Yarn Kit using Fiddlesticks Superb 8 yarn. It takes 17 x 100g balls and, of course, is a cheaper way of making this rug.

A PDF Pattern is available with step-by-step instructions and pictures. Especially for those of you who already have a vast variety of wool at home.

Rainbow Crochet Rug Colour Sequence-003

As you can see, there are no changes in colour for each block, so it really does make this project a quick one to complete.  Rainbow Crochet Rug size is 95cm x 140cm with 140 blocks in total.

We hope you love it as much as we do.

♥ The Blue Box Girls.

Teapot Wrap

A lovely decoration piece for your Teapot.

One of our own designs here at The Blue Box, is our beautiful Teapot Wraps.

At the time of designing it, Teapot Covers were having a comeback. Whether they were Knitted, Crocheted or Sewn.

We decided to Sew one, that was a feature or decoration for your Kitchens or Dining Room Cabinets and most importantly, is a quick project. So, The Blue Box Girl, Annette, thought of a design that is easy to make and a pattern that is easy to follow.

Finding a Fabric that matches your décor is a must. And when making them for our shop, we vary the look a bit.

Teapot Wrap Aqua-001Teapot Wrap Bright-001Teapot Wrap Mauve-001Teapot Wrap Purple-001

Sometimes, we change the flower fabric to the wrap base fabric, or we will go matchy-matchy and have all the same colour. The pattern has instructions for adding Ric-Rac as a decoration or sewing a decorative edge from your machine.

Annette has also added a Crochet-Edge to some, to give it even more detail and prettiness to the Teapot Wrap.

Here, Annette has started off the Crochet-Edge by sewing on the Blanket-Stitch from the Sewing Machine.

Close up of crochet edge-001

This pattern called for us to have Classes for our customers in store.

Classes for Teapot Wraps-001

Here’s what one of our lovely Class Members made for her home. Cute, isn’t it?!  Customers have also suggested that the Teapot Wrap makes great gifts.

Class Members Teapot Wrap-001

Here is Annette making the flowers for the Teapot Wrap.

Making the Flower-001

And Annette is getting the Pattern ready for our shelves.

Annette getting patterns on shelf-001

We love making items that make you feel good. And are pretty for your home.

♥ The Blue Box Girls.

Colour Burst Crochet Rug

Recently, Chris (The Blue Box Girl), had a male customer enter the shop who was attracted by a Crochet Rug we had on display. He definitely had a keen eye for colour and loved the look of crochet, so he ordered a similar rug to be made for his home.

Chris designed a new crochet rug for him in Patons Cotton Blend.  She used 11 bright colours out of the 25 available in that range. FYI, we have the whole kit here if you would love to make your own.

60 balls later and a lot of long evenings of enjoyable crochet bliss, here is the result…



Colour Burst Crochet Rug pattern;

There are 81 Blocks in total, 9 blocks x 9 blocks. Finished Rug Size 190cm x 190cm. Every block is the same pattern.  Change colour every round or every second round.

Requirements – 60 Balls of Patons Cotton Blend 8ply & 4.00mm Crochet Hook.

Abbreviations – Tbl = treble   Ss = slip stitch   chn = chain

Stitches are in English Version.


Chn 5, join into a circle.

Round 1round-1-of-crochet-001

3 chn (counts as 1 tbl at beginning of rounds for the whole block), 2 tbl, *3 chn, 3 tbl*, repeat from * to * 3 more times, 3 chn, ss into 3rd chn at beginning of round, cut yarn, end off.



Round 2round-2-of-crochet-001

Ss into any corner, 3 chn, 1 tbl, 2 chn, 2 tbl into 3 chn space, *1 tbl into top of next 3 tbl, 2 tbls, 2 chn, 2 tbl into corner 3 chn space*, repeat from * to * four times. Ss into 3rd chn at beg of round. Cut yarn, end off.






Round 3round-3-of-crochet-001

Ss into any corner, 3 chn, 1 tbl, 2 chn, 2 tbl into 2 ch space, * 1 tbl into top of next 7 tbls, 2 tbl, 2 chn, 2 tbl into corner 2 chn space*, repeat from * to * four times. Ss into 3rd chn at beginning of round. Cut yarn, end off.







Round 4

Ss into any corner, 3 chn, 1 tbl, 2 chn, 2 tbl into 2 chn space, * 1 tbl into the top of next 11 tbl’s. 2 tbl, 2 chn, 2 tbl into corner 2 chn space*, repeat from * to * four times. Ss into 3rd chn at beginning of round. Cut yarn, end off.






Round 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Continue the pattern as above adding an extra 4 tbl’s per side per round.

Round 5 will have 15

Round 6 will have 19

Round 7 will have 23

Round 8 will have 27


Round 9 will have 31.

Join blocks with Double Crochet on the right side.



Work 4 rounds of Double Crochet around outside edge and finish with a round of Crab Stitch.


Enjoy making this gorgeous and easy Colour Burst Crochet Rug.

♥ The Blue Box Girls.