Summer Breeze Crochet Rug

This new Crochet Pattern is a beauty.

Gorgeous New Pattern (PDF) and Kit is available.

We have realized that our customers love a simple Crochet pattern that they can sit in front of TV and do mindlessly. And on the other hand, they love a little challenge. Hence, why we designed Summer Breeze Crochet Rug.

This pattern may look complicated for the Crochet beginner, but there are mainly Double Crochet and Treble Stitches throughout, so if you can work those stitches, you’ll have no trouble.

Back in March this year (2020), our website was hacked and we lost our lovely online store.

We are using Facebook Messenger, Email and Phone Calls to service our customers at the moment and we are working on a new style of website.

Edit: New website is now available to view, click here to check it out.

Summer Breeze Crochet Rug
Size: 120cm x 155cm
Summer Breeze Crochet Rug Size: 120cm x 155cm
Here’s a close-up picture to show you the stitches and border.

Enjoy your weekend!

♥ The Blue Box Girls