Rainbow Crochet Rug

Fun to Make Colourful Crochet Rug to decorate your Home.

Deanne fell in love with Crochet only 2 years ago.

Having tried it years before, a couple of times, the craft didn’t “stick” with her then. She didn’t get the concept of the stitches and the craft hadn’t been overly “trendy” back then.

When she discovered the wonderful world of Pinterest, that all changed.  If you have been on Pinterest and looked up Crochet, you know what we mean.  If you haven’t, we urge you to check it out.

The Rainbow Crochet Rug we are about to show you, is Deanne’s 2nd ever Crochet Rug.  With bright colours as her lead and a lovely Crochet square design in mind, Deanne wanted to make a very vibrant and eye-catching rug.

The initial idea was to make a scrappy colour, like this one;


When she asked her 10 year old daughter, Keira, what colour combination she would like to see, she came up with this; (clever girl!)


Wow!!  We were completely blown away.

So to confirm our decision, we took the question to Social Media and the results were overwhelming. Post is here on Instagram & Facebook.

A pattern had to be made.  And kits.  And we are so happy to make these available for you.

We can supply an Acrylic Yarn Kit using Fiddlesticks Superb 8 yarn. It takes 17 x 100g balls and, of course, is a cheaper way of making this rug.

A PDF Pattern is available with step-by-step instructions and pictures. Especially for those of you who already have a vast variety of wool at home.

Rainbow Crochet Rug Colour Sequence-003

As you can see, there are no changes in colour for each block, so it really does make this project a quick one to complete.  Rainbow Crochet Rug size is 95cm x 140cm with 140 blocks in total.

We hope you love it as much as we do.

♥ The Blue Box Girls.